Foundation 65 gives educators the resources they need when they need them through our Critical Response Grants

Critical Response grants were developed to give educators the resources they needed to respond to challenges and foster innovation in a nimble and responsive way.  We  allow educators to apply for grants as needs evolve and our rapid turn-around process allows us to get funding into their hands quickly. We know that our educators are best situated to support our children. We are proud to empower them to do so.

Grant goals should be on targeted interventions focused on BIPOC students, programming that fosters dignity and belonging (especially for historically marginalized students) and/or builds empathy and racial consciousness, and programs that support family engagement to historically marginalized families.

We encourage educators to submit proposals once they have determined research-based and equitable solutions.  Grant proposals should be grounded in educational equity and racial justice. As you develop your grant proposal, please do not hesitate to reach out to brainstorm ideas or ask questions and give suggestions.  Thank you for all that you do for our children. 

Critical Response Grants

Application material

We have evolved our application to meet the needs of educators and are reviewing them on a monthly basis for implementation in the 2023-2024 school year.

  • Get your application for our new round here.

    1 application per project

  • Each applicant/co-applicant should submit their personal REIA rubric scores here

    1 rubric assessment per applicant/co-application

  • Discuss your proposal with your school principal and find your signature sheet here. Email completed form to (electronic signatures are acceptable).  Principals also have the option of sending an email to us to sign off on the project. 

    1 signature sheet per project

Grant Criteria

All grants must focus on creating targeted interventions focused on BIPOC students, programming that fosters dignity and belonging (especially for historically marginalized students) and/or builds empathy and racial consciousness, and programs that support family engagement to historically marginalized families.

Submitting an REIA rubric worksheet with the proposal is a requirement, and early review of this tool may also guide the thoughtful development of your proposal.  Grant criteria are as follows:

  • Thoughtful adherence to District 65’s REIA rubric.  Each collaborator should record their responses on this form and the team should determine a consensus score for submission on the application.

  • Grants must have proposed and measurable outcomes (Examples include: student pre/post survey results, assessment data shifts, growth data, standards based performance, narrative data, testimonials).

  • Grants will typically range between $500 and $3000 but Foundation 65 reserves the right to amend this criteria if need be.  

  • Grants can not be for library expansion, general book clubs, or program “swag” (tshirts, parties, etc).  Book clubs with a targeted equity focus and programmatic piece will be considered.  

  • Requests must provide a statement of why these funds are needed from Foundation 65 and can’t be obtained from District 65.

  • Funding is limited to District 65 employees.

Please reach out to with any questions or ideas as you begin to develop your grants. We are happy to talk things through with you and support your grant development.